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Crowd of young people at Empower Camp


One-time donation in USD

Empower Camp

Mission trips to Africa 2024

This week-long camp for the children and youth is packed with fun games, sports, talent show, food, small group Bible studies and amazing worship. Kids and youth have the opportunity to let loose and just be kids as well as learn more about God and who He created them to be. We have been holding this camp since 2018 and now that some students who have attended this camp as secondary students have graduated university, many point to this camp as a life-changing camp where they either gave their life to Christ or began to deepen their faith and personal relationship with God.

There are 3 ways that you can be a part of this memorable and life-transforming camp. 

1. Send youth to camp: 
Sponsor a child to attend this life-changing camp!  It is only $120 for a student to attend camp. If you are able to bless another child or two with a camp scholarship you can double or triple up your donation. Not every child we hope to send to camp has a sponsor, so every donation helps!

The deadline for paying for camp is November 17, 2024.

2. Volunteer at camp:
We need your help, your friends', and your kids' help!  We are estimating 550+ children, youth and college students will attend this camp! If you, a family member, or friend would be interested we could use the help. We need help with camp counsellors, worship, AV,  prayer, photography, videography, sports, and more. This will be a great opportunity to serve with your entire family! A few details are below but if want more, please email If you are ready, then click here to apply

When? December 27 2024 - January 5, 2025
How much? 
    - Adults (18 and older): $1,200 USD
    - Teens (13-17 years old)*: $650 USD
    - Children (5-12 years)*:  $500
       *when coming with an adult

       There is a one-time administration fee of $150 in addition to the camp fee for adults. This processes your application and cater for administrative costs in preparation for camp. 
What does it include? 
     - Meals
     - Accommodation 
     - Transportation while in country
     - Sending 8 kids and youth to camp (for the adult price and sending 2 kids to camp for the youth price)
Click Here to Apply Now!

Interested in adding a safari at the end of your trip or extending your trip to a two-week stay, past January 5?  It's only $250 to add an extra week on your trip. Our Volunteer Coordinator can help you with the details.

3. Be a pray warrior:
Pray for the team that is preparing for camp, pray for volunteers flying from all around the world going to volunteer at the camp, and pray for each child and youth attending camp that they would grow closer to Jesus Christ and deepen their relationship with him.


Our current needs...

Volunteers and young people playing Tug of War

Empower Camp

Give a child in Africa a chance to experience a fun, Spirit-filled, powerful week at Empower Camp. Come volunteer or give a camp scholarship.

Learn more

Medical volunteer examining child

2024 Medical Camp

Be apart of our Annual Medical Camp in 2024. During the summer of 2023's medical camp we treated over 1,400 patients. Help us continue to meet the medical needs during our week long camp.

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Young leaders at Empower a Child

A High School for the Village

You can help us build a high school for the youth of Zirobwe and build up their future. See how you can make an impact in these students' lives.

Learn more

Children reading in school dormitory

Primary School Needs

Since we opened Empowers Leaders Academy in 2014, some of the desks and furniture at the school needs replacing as well as additional beds to add into the dormitory. Help give students a great school year in 2023-2024 with new classroom furniture.

Learn more